
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

CrowsToes|Jingle Balls

Morning... heck to the yes it is MY FRIDAY and even better it is only a half day I mean really how much better could this day get? Well it could get better but not by much... does CrowsToes make your day better I think it helps mine out a little bit ;) Today I have for you Jingle Balls.. (muffled laughter) Yes that is right I am secretly a 5 year old child that laughs at anything that is not right... <3 play on words.

I do realize that it is not quite Christmas yet but I just couldn't wait to bring these guys out I mean could you?

1-Yellow Stopper
2-Sonia Kashuk|Smoke and Mirrors
1-Seche Vite
1- CrowsToes|Jingle Balls
1-Seche Vite

Phew that was a mouthful or handful or you get the idea. This polish/topper is of course just as wonderful as yesterdays CrowsToes|Holly and Hellfire. Actually, I think I prefer it to H&H, it could be because it embodies a Christmas Tree. It is in my mind a liquid Christmas tree (LiquiSMAS tree ? idk don't mind me) There are so many different glitters in this I mean it is glitter overload if there were ever such a thing... How about you see for yourself...

 I should have gotten some pictures before adding the Jingle Balls to the mix... my apologies. This has got to be my favorite silver polish EVER!

And the show begins, I present to you:

Had to show you this guy so you could see that pretty bar glitter =) Not normally a fan but with this whole mix I love it!

Do you see that beautiful mix of gold, silver, green, blue, and red glitters?! Glitter Overload *sike* Just enough!
As always this CrowsToes was purchased through Llarowe... and the Sonia Kashuk at Target (I even have a back up!) If you werent already able to figure this out ALL my money goes to Llarowe if you haven't checked it out now...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! On second thought if you are trying to save yourself money you may want to refrain from checking it out... but what fun is that?

What are your thoughts? Are you a fan of the multiple glitter shapes and sizes? 

Thanks for joining me on this short day, hope you come back!

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